Acupuncture is one of the oldest and most commonly used systems of healing in the world. A branch of Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture views the body and mind as one energetic structure along with the organ systems that work together to keep all of the systems in balance and health. Chinese medicine aims to treat the whole person, emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually to help the person gain and maintain optimal health.
Herbology is a powerful way to promote healing. Herbs are almost always given in a formula (usually containing 3-15 herbs) tailored to each patients unique needs. There are over 300 herbs in the Materia Medica and hundreds of classic formulations to base prescriptions on. This allows for all aspects of your health to be addressed each time you come in for treatment.
Herbs come in a variety of forms. There are tinctures and tablets available for common conditions. For more complex conditions, taking raw herbs or the powdered extract of them is usually advised (which are taken as a liquid/tea). This way, your formula can be modified on a regular basis as your condition changes. This is a very precise form of medicine and is one of the most comprehensive forms of supplementation available.
Acupuncture only single session lasts 60 minutes and costs $80-$100 sliding scale.
Acupuncture package of 4 sessions is $300
Acupuncture with an herbal consult lasts 90 minutes and costs $130- herbs are not included in the price.